Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Angela Lansbury Paul Mccartney

A few short years ago Paul McCartney was a dead-ringer for Angela Lansbury which even led to speculation that Lansbury had actually replaced Paul in The Beatles during the "Paul is Dead" thingie back in the most gear and fab Sixties.

However Macca's cast aside his Lansbury looks and now goes for something of a Stan Laurel with dyed hair look.

Angela LansburyPaul Mccartney
Angela LansburyPaul Mccartney
Angela LansburyPaul Mccartney
Angela LansburyPaul Mccartney
Angela LansburyPaul Mccartney
Angela LansburyPaul Mccartney
Angela LansburyPaul Mccartney

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